
Mikkeli Music Festival brings joy to August 2024 with a great concert series

Mikkeli Music Festival brings joy to August 2024 with a great concert series

In addition to the previously released orchestral concerts, the Game Music Collective and chamber musicians from Finland and the UK will be in the spotlight. The theme of the festival is Ode to Joy.

Mikkeli Music Festival will once again offer unique musical experiences for all ages from 3rd to 11 August 2024, with a diverse music programme that will take listeners on a musical journey of joy and light. As usual, the orchestral concerts, already released in August, will take centre stage. The remaining concerts are now on sale via Lippupiste.

Saturday 3.8.2024

The festival kicks off on Saturday 3.8. at 14.00 with a free festival Pre-Opening concert at the Stella shopping centre. The concert will feature soloists from the South Savo Music Theatre and Opera Association and will be hosted by the festival's artistic director, conductor Erkki Lasonpalo.

The official Opening Concert will take place in the evening at 19:00 in Mikaeli. One hundred or so musicians will take to the stage to perform the premiere of MMJ Young Composer of the Year Luukas Hiltunen's Scintillion piece, followed by Beethoven's Symphony No 9, under the baton of the festival's Young Artist of the Year, Aliisa Neige Barrière.

Sunday 4.8.2024

On Sunday afternoon 4 August at 15.00, soprano Iris Candelaria and pianist Jukka Nykänen will offer their August Afternoon Dreams in the Mikael Chamber Music Hall. The evening continues at 19.00 with an energetic performance by the Game Music Collective, featuring a unique game music concert performed by orchestra, choir and soloist Iris Candelaria.

Monday 5.8.2024

The music will continue throughout the week with a variety of different bands. On Monday 5 August at 19.00, the Trio Mikkola-Lampenius-Helander will take the audience on an enchanting musical journey into the world of piano trios. Trio musicians Laura Mikkola (piano), Linda Lampenius (violin) and Jaani Helander (cello) have been playing together for years and have gained fame in Finland and abroad as soloists.

Tuesday 6.8.2024

On Tuesday 6 August, the Vivo Symphony Orchestra of young musicians will perform under the direction of Erkki Lasonpalo, with 13-year-old top talent Lilja Haatainen as soloist. She has been a sensation in Mikkeli during the 2023 Music Festival and played as a soloist with the Mikkeli City Orchestra in highly acclaimed concerts.

Wednesday 7.8.2024

On Wednesday, 7 August at 19.00 in the Pitäjänkirkko, you can hear ever-lovely melodies interpreted by baritone Waltteri Torikka and the Mikkeli City Orchestra in the Music of joy and light concert.

Thursday 8.8.2024

On Thursday 8 August, the London Philharmonia begins its series of concerts, the first of which will feature Brahms & Schumann, conducted by Santtu-Matias Rouvali with Swedish violin soloist Ava Bahari.

Friday 9.8.2024

On Friday 9 August at 20.00, the Philharmonia celebrates the 200th anniversary of Bruckner's birth with Bruckner 200!, also conducted by Santtu-Matias Rouvali. This concert will feature the orchestra's own soloists.

Saturday 10.8.2024

On Saturday 10 August at 20.00, Mikaeli will host its Opera Gala for which occasion the Philharmonia will be conducted by Ville Matvejeff, who is well known in opera circles. Young international top soloists will take to the stage.

Sunday 11.8.2024

The festival culminates on Sunday 11 August with two great concerts. At 14.00, the Philharmonia chamber musicians will perform the chamber music concert From London with Joy.

For the Closing Concert at 20.00, the Philharmonia Orchestra and Erkki Lasonpalo will lead the audience on an unforgettable musical adventure, featuring Elgar's Cello Concerto and Sibelius' Symphony No 1. The soloist is our young cello virtuoso Jonathan Roozeman.

The Music Festival is undergoing a change of management, as Mikko Leppänen's contract as Festival Director for 2023 expires at the end of the year. The Board of Directors will announce the details of the governance arrangements in January.

More info:

Artistic Director Erkki Lasonpalo
artistic.director@mikkelinmusiikkijuhlat.fi, p. 040 147 4014

Chairman of the Board Markus Tykkyläinen
puheenjohtaja@mikkelinmusiikkijuhlat.fi, p. 050 596 5482

Ticket on sales at https://www.lippu.fi/artist/mikkelin-musiikkijuhlat/, as well as from Mikkeli Theater ticket sales point.


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Mikkeli Music Festival Magazine Sävelkukka now as online magazine!

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Erkki Lasonpalon vinkit Mikkelin Musiikkijuhlien ohjelmistosta. “Tulossa on upeita konsertteja Beethovenista pelimusiikkiin.

Suuret orkesterit, kuorot ja taidokkaat solistit tarjoilevat sekä tuttua että tuoretta taidemusiikkia.

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Game Music Collective - For the move of game music

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Mikkeli Music Festival highlights for vocal music lovers

Mikkeli Music Festival Summer 2024 offers a rich array of vocal art, from Waltteri Torika's church concert to Iris Candelaria's song recital to the Philharmonia Orchestra's opera gala conducted by Ville Matvejeff.

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Mikkeli Music Festival wins the 2023 Tourism Achievement of the Year Award!

The Mikkeli Region Tourism Service awarded the Mikkeli Music Festival with the Tourism Achievement of the Year 2023 award for its phenomenal renewal and success. This recognition, together with the Festival of the Year 2023 title, demonstrates how a cultural event can have not only great artistic value but also great regional economic significance.

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Master of Arts Mirva Helske as Festival Director of Mikkeli Music Festival

Mikkeli Music Festival has appointed Master of Arts Mirva Helske as Festival Director. Helske will start her employment 1 January 2024.

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Mikkeli Music Festival brings joy to August 2024 with a great concert series

In addition to the previously released orchestral concerts, the Game Music Collective and chamber musicians from Finland and the UK will be in the spotlight. The theme of the festival is Ode to Joy.

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Kapellimestari Erkki Lasonpalo johtaa Philharmonia Orchestraa Mikkelin Musiikkijuhlilla myös kesällä 2024

Erinomaisesti sujunut yhteistyö saa jatkoa.

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Ohjelmisto- ja solistivaihdos ke 2.8. klo 17 Kaipaus-konsertissa

Illan solistina esiintyy sopraano Miina-Liisa Värelä

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Mikkelin Musiikkijuhlien 2024 lipunmyynti käynnistyy tiistaina 1.8.2023

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Conductor Aliisa Neige Barrière and composer Luukas Hiltunen awarded 1 000 € and a concert in 2024 festival

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Free entrance

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Moments of Love concert 31 July 2023 cancelled

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Mikkeli Music Festival has appointed Mikko Leppänen, Bachelor of Economics, Master of Music, as the Festival Director of the Music Festival.

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Mikkelin Musiikkijuhlien kannatusyhdistys ry:n vuosikokous ti 28.3.2023 klo 16.00

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Conductor Erkki Lasonpalo as artistic director of Mikkeli Music Festival

Mikkeli Music Festival has appointed conductor Erkki Lasonpalo as the artistic director of the Music Festival. Lasonpalo takes over the position immediately, and the artistic director's term of office extends to the end of the 2026 Festival Week.

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Article on Mikkeli Music Festival in Scan Magazine

The international Scan Magazine praises the festival full of concerts of international top musicians in its article.

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Changes in the organization of the Mikkeli Music Festival - Festival Director Teemu Laasanen moves to other duties

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The Mikkeli Music Festival programme is now published

The theme of summer 2023 is Licence to Love. Love is explored in concerts from different perspectives.

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Mikkeli Music Festival is the Festival of the Year 2023

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Mikkeli Music Festival is growing ambitiously

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A four-year cooperation agreement with Philharmonia Orchestra

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Mikkelin Musiikkijuhlien lehti Sävelkukka nyt myös näköislehtenä!

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