Free pre-opening concert

3.8.2024 • 13.30

Shopping Centre Stella

Free pre-opening concert



Shopping Centre Stella


Laura Heinonen, soprano
Anu Ontronen, mezzosoprano
Samuli Takkula, baritone

ESMO Ensemble
Susanna Mieskonen-Makkonen, violin
Matti Makkonen, cello
Mirva Helske, piano


The concert repertoire consists of songs, duets and opera excerpts by Oskar Merikanto and Giacomo Puccini.


Mikkeli Musiikkijuhlat 2024 kicks off with a free Pre-Opening concert at Tähtitori of Stella Shopping Center, open to everyone!

Vocal soloists and the Ensemble of South Savo Music Theatre and Opera Association (Etelä-Savo Musiikkiteatteri- ja Oopperayhdistys) interpret a versatile set of songs and excerpts from operas in this afternoon concert. 

ESMO ry became known in the Mikkeli region for producing Oskar Merikanto's opera Elinan surma (Death of Elina) in March 2023. Participants of Elinan Surma production, soprano Laura Heinonen and mezzo-soprano Anu Ontronen shall perform in the concert, along side with baritone Samuli Takkula.

In the 3.8. concert Esmo Ensemble consists of violinist Susanna Mieskonen-Makkonen, pianist Mirva Helske and cellist Matti Makkonen, who has also arranged the program for piano trio. 

In the focus of the program are works of two composers whose landmark year 2024 is: The genius of operatic drama, Giacomo Puccini, who died 200 years ago, and Oskar Merikanto, the interpreter of Finnish summer evenings, whose death was in 1924. 

The concert is hosted by Erkki Lasonpalo, artistic director of Mikkeli Music Festival. Lasonpalo will also be interviewed for the festival program in Stella prior to the concert at 1:30 p.m.

The duration of the concert is 1 hour, free admission.


The concert is free.

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