Anu Ontronen

Mezzo-soprano Anu Ontronen works as an opera singer at the Finnish National Opera, where she her roles have included Larina (Yevgeny Onegin), Flora Bervoix (La traviata), Marcellina (The Marriage of Figaro) and Mary (The Flying Dutchman).

Ontrose's other roles include Kirsti in Merikanto's Elina's Death (ESMO ry), Verdi's Rigoletto Giovanna (Savonlinna Opera Festival), Kuusisto's Aino Ackte's Emmy Achte (ESMO ry), Mozart's 3rd Lady of the Magic Flute (Metropolia AMK), Rossini's Il viaggio a Reims Melibea (MDW) and Verdi's Falstaff's Mrs Quickly (MDW). Ontronen has performed with the Jyväskylä Symphony Orchestra, the Lappeenranta Orchestra, the Hyvinkää Orchestra and others. and the NYKY Ensemble.

Ontronen graduated in summer 2016 from the Opera School of the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts and worked in the period of 2016 as a soloist in the opera house of the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. 2016/17 season as a soloist trainee at the Finnish National Opera. Ontronen finished in second place in the Lappeenranta Song Contest 2016 and in summer 2014 won a shared first place at the Kangasniemi Song Contest. Ontronen is a 2011 Matti Salminen Foundation Fellow and a 2017 Finnish Wagner Society Fellow.

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